Grounded Hearts

Portland’s Birth Doula & Photographer

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Birth Guide

You see birth as a “Rite of Passage”

You know you are about to embark upon the greatest & most heroic journey of your life! You will be using energy reserves & immense PERSONAL POWER you didn’t even know you had access to! Navigating Birth and coming out on the other side with a baby in your arms, reflects the large capacity you have as a birth parent moving into parenthood.

As your Doula, I want to help guide you with a helping hand, loving words, wisdom, & encouragement all along the way. I know you can do this!!

Continuity of Care

You desire to have a constant loving presence with you throughout your unique pregnancy & birth journey

I love being with you every step of the way so you have at least ONE solid person on your side. Educating you, deeply listening to you, advocating for you, supporting you, nourishing you, and pampering you.

As your Doula, I offer support during those in-between moments

I stay with you so you feel safe, empowered, supported physically, emotionally, and mentally. I help you stay true to your Birth Plan as closely as possible, breathe with you so you stay anchored in your strength, offer massage and double hip squeezes so you can make it through one more wave. As your Doula, I work with your partner/friend/family member to provide continuous care throughout your entire labor.

Creating a Birth Team

You want your partner to show up for you!

As your Doula, I enjoy bringing elements of partner participation and want everyone to feel ready. Your partner/friend/family member will feel equipped to be your biggest advocate and teammate — in and out of the birth room. From labor support to proper postpartum recovery care, our goal is to provide you with an abundance of love and comfort so that you feel confident in getting through anything.

I want to Listen and Advocate

You need a Birth Advocate to keepsake your Birth Vision

It’s important to have providers give consensual care in a manner that feels safest to you. I want you to fully understand your options for care, benefits/risks of interventions, procedures, and equipment used at all types of births. Making a decision in the moment can feel shaky & unknown. Whether you are laboring at home, at a birth center, or in a hospital, there will be multiple moments when you have to make choices you didn’t expect to have to make for you & baby. I deeply care about helping you make the best informed decisions every. single. step. of the way!

You want your Doula to take the time to listen to your Birth story

At the end of our time together, I want to hold your birth story with safe hands and a compassionate heart. I want to be there to listen to anything that comes up and hold space for all the feelings. Sharing your truth is healing. As a Doula, my role and desire is to honor your metamorphosis into parenthood. To support true integration of your birth experience.

Lauren Labarre Photography

Portland Photographer

Where family & photography fall in love

Photography gives me the opportunity to take a deeper dive into your parenthood journey. I am blessed to witness the budding of love for your new baby as you take each step along this unique path. I offer Maternity, Birth, Fresh 48, Newborn, & Family Photography to my expecting families!